The collection of rules into a group is called Ruleset.A ruleset identifies, stores an manages the set of rules that define an application. The ability to reuse already built rules saves development time and effort.
For example, if we consider that rule is similar to a song, a ruleset is similar to an Album.
The system architects collects the individual rules into an instance of a ruleset,called a Ruleset Version .To update the contents of ruleset,we create a new ruleset version.Ruleset versioning allows system architects to easily update applications by providing access to an entire set of rules at once.In PEGA the version number is divided into 3 segments as
Consider the below example
The Major Version represents a substantial release of an application.We will modify this version if we have done any large number of modifications or added large number of features in our application.
The Minor Version represents an interim release or enhancements to a major release. We will modify this version we have done done any small number of changes in our application
The Patch Version consists of fixes to address bugs in an application.If we fix any bugs or errors while running an application,then we will modify this patch version.
Each application consists of a sequence of rulesets, called RuleSet Stack The ruleset stack determines the order in which Pega looks through rulesets to find the rule being used. Each entry in the ruleset stack represents all the versions of the specified ruleset, starting with the listed version and working down to the lowest minor and patch version for the specified major version.
Each version of an application contains a unique ruleset stack. This allows an updated application to reference new ruleset versions that contain updates and new features.
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